Seniors are a valuable and knowledgeable source to our community, so society must do all that they can to uphold the liberties and justice that they deserve. It is important to understand that as the elderly population becomes separated from their families, they are more at risk and exposed to victimization. Make sure, that if you are a senior, to arm yourself with as much information as possible to keep yourself safe and protected in your everyday life.
Regardless of your age, the ways to protect yourself from crime are all the same. Remember these important tips while you are going about your day to day activities.
When you are Out
If you absolutely need to carry a purse, keep it close to your body and make sure that it is not hanging.
Put your wallet in a jacket pocket or in your front pocket.
Make sure that somebody knows where you are going and when you should return.
Avoid those ‘paths less traveled’ especially if they are dark and deserted.
Always carry some change in case you need to make an emergency call or take emergency transportation.
Always sit by the driver when using public transportation
Try to go out with friends and not alone.
Carry a whistle or horn to alert others of emergencies or for help.
Make sure you know where you are and where you are going at all times.
When You are at Home
Keep all doors and windows locked at all times
Make sure that your home appears occupied, even when it is not.
If you can, try to purchase a high quality home alarm system
Don’t ever let repairmen or salesmen in your home without checking their identification or credentials.
Install a viewer in your door, and use it.
Do not advertise that you live alone (if you do), and develop a buddy system with a neighbor so that you can check on each other.
Elderly Abuse
Elderly abuse is more common than one may think. Abuse is not just physical. Elderly abuse is defined as abuse, neglect, or exploitation, including domestic violence and sexual assault against an older adult by a person that has an expectation of trust.
Here are some types of elderly abuse:
Verbal forms of emotional elder abuse include
Intimidation through yelling or threats
Humiliation and ridicule
Habitual blaming
Nonverbal psychological elder abuse can take the form of:
Ignoring the elderly person
Isolating an elder from friends or activities
Menacing the elderly person
Sexual abuse is contact with an elderly person without the elder’s permission. Contact can involve physical sexual acts, and activities such as showing an elderly person pornographic material, forcing the person to watch sex acts, or forcing the elder to undress are also considered sexual elder abuse.
Elder neglect, or even failure to do the actions of the caretaking obligation, makes up more than half of all reported cases of elder abuse. It can be intentional or unintentional, based on things such as ignorance or denial that an elderly person needs as much care as he or she actually does.